Category: Uncategorized

  • Sport Irritations

    I like watching sports on TV, and I do it a lot. But although I love my sports shows, there are a number of things that irritate me.  Mostly when I write my articles, I spend a fair bit of time on them doing enough research to feel I can justify why I adopted whatever…

  • Fair Competition – How and Why?

    My article on the need for a good balance between fair competition and inclusivity for the LGBTQ community has raised a question about the need for fair competition. Why, I was asked? Why is fair competition important? Is it good for us? Is it good for our kids? The questions were posed by a parent…

  • How Blogging Has Changed Me

    I started writing a blog a little over a year ago. I would see something on the news that would turn my crank and I would respond by commenting on Facebook (because I just HAD to vent somewhere). But that process was unsatisfactory. Facebook comments are short and shallow, and I needed a platform to…

  • US Election Spending Threatens Democracy.

    It may already be too late for the United States. The world-wide decline in democracies has no greater threat than the attack on democracy within the United States of America. Let’s be quite clear – a second term for Donald Trump could easily mark the end of democracy in America. There are two scenarios that…

  • I’n Not a Racist, But…

    When I was a Hydroid, I took a training course which included a video by a very fast-talking psychologist with a strong Texan accent. The video was entitled, if memory serves me correctly, “Who You Are Is Where You Were When”. The premise of the video was that your gut level reactions to things are…

  • Putting an End to the War On Drugs

    (Picture from The Economist) I saw a story on TV about a district attorney in San Francisco who is being accused of failing to prosecute criminals in general and drug users and traffickers in particular. That set me to musing about the American tendency to incarcerate people at the drop of the proverbial hat, which…

  • In Praise of Secularism

    I made a brief and bitter comment on Facebook recently about the endorsement of the Russian invasion of Ukraine by Kiril, Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church. At the time of his ascension to power in Russia, Vladimir Putin’s power base sprang from his promise to re-vitalize the Russian economy, and to bring prosperity to…

  • Two Weeks from Hell

    It has been two or three weeks since I’ve managed to write and post anything. To all of those who’ve missed my offerings, I apologize… to both of you. I have an excuse though. The dog ate my homework. Uh, umm,  I mean, I’ve been sick. On Christmas Day we had our son and grandson…

  • Preparing for the Apocalypse

    As the year end approaches, one reflects on the recent past. One must. It’s like a law. Every TV station on the boob tube is reflecting on the year that was, and so, it must be the right thing to do. And let’s face it, it has been an unsettling year. We’ve been cursed with…

  • It’s Time to Follow Barbados

    Barbados this week chose to shake itself loose from its colonial past and become a republic, with no formal allegiance to the British crown. Good for them! Here are five good reasons why Canada should do the same, and as soon as possible. 1) King Charlie? Chuckie? Chuckles? We all admire Queen Elizabeth II. I…