Category: Israeli War

  • Student Protestors – Emotion vs Rationale

    Prompted by the recent student demonstrations against Israel, I re-read the article I wrote on October 27th, just three weeks after Hamas let slip the dogs of war. Rarely have I felt as prescient as I did upon reading what I wrote in October. It’s probably self-congratulatory, but allow me to quote from my own…

  • Maple Leaf Problems with Defence

    No, this is not an article about hockey. That was just a teaser to suck in readers who thought they were going to see a life-long Leafs fan losing his mind about the fact that they can’t ever seem to protect a lead and close a game out. Sorry gang, not happening. Instead, this article…

  • The UN – Missing In Action

    The United Nations – It Kinda Works (cartoon I told you back in October that the mess in Gaza was going to be ugly. I told you so! It is brutal stuff to watch. And it could be stopped if only the UN had the impact on world affairs that we always thought it…

  • Will Israel Survive?

    (Photo from Associated Press – bombardment in Gaza) October 7, 2023 is a date that will live in infamy. Killers from Hamas crossed borders from Gaza into Israel and attacked defenceless civilians, murdering over 1400 people, and taking some 225 people hostage. The attack wasn’t anticipated by Israeli intelligence or police services, and carnage ensued.…