Category: Health Care

  • De-Bunking Anti-Vax Myths

    In my first article on vaccination, I tried to convince you that a population-wide adoption of vaccinations is the best shield we have against a number of dangerous diseases. In the second, I showed that while there are a number of somewhat rational excuses for not getting vaccinated, (or more importantly getting your child vaccinated),…

  • Anti-Vax Ideas – Rational but Wrong

    I have tried to convince you that data shows that vaccines work, and that maintaining a whole-population vaccine coverage shield protects us all. It follows that those who actively oppose vaccination – anti-vaxxers – are in fact sabotaging the public health programs that are designed to protect their own children…and yours. So, why would people…

  • Refusing Measles Vaccine Is A Rash Decision

    If, like me, you were a child in the late 50’s, you were probably not terribly concerned by the recent stories about an uptick in measles cases in Canada and other rich-world countries. Health Canada reports that as of May 4th, there have been 75 reported cases of measles in Canada this year. There were…

  • Organic Foods and Other Nonsense

    My brother Terry, who evidently likes to wind me up from time to time, sent me an email recently in which he said “At my weekly Monday golf game, 2 of the guys were talking about how all of our food is contaminated by agricultural chemicals, and none of it is safe to eat!  One…

  • Remodeling Health Care

    My last little fulmination was directed at fixing our health care systems in Canada. After all was said and done, I suppose I made only three significant points. The first was that Health Care needs fixing. The second was that it is the responsibility of the Provincial governments to fix it, and they should stop…

  • Health Care – A Sick Situation

    Two women died in Nova Scotia recently despite having presented themselves at hospital emergency rooms for treatment. One woman – only 37 years old – waited six hours for treatment at a hospital in Amherst Nova Scotia. She was in such extreme pain that she was unable to sit in a wheelchair and wound up…