Category: Conspiracies

  • De-Bunking Anti-Vax Myths

    In my first article on vaccination, I tried to convince you that a population-wide adoption of vaccinations is the best shield we have against a number of dangerous diseases. In the second, I showed that while there are a number of somewhat rational excuses for not getting vaccinated, (or more importantly getting your child vaccinated),…

  • Anti-Vax Ideas – Rational but Wrong

    I have tried to convince you that data shows that vaccines work, and that maintaining a whole-population vaccine coverage shield protects us all. It follows that those who actively oppose vaccination – anti-vaxxers – are in fact sabotaging the public health programs that are designed to protect their own children…and yours. So, why would people…

  • Refusing Measles Vaccine Is A Rash Decision

    If, like me, you were a child in the late 50’s, you were probably not terribly concerned by the recent stories about an uptick in measles cases in Canada and other rich-world countries. Health Canada reports that as of May 4th, there have been 75 reported cases of measles in Canada this year. There were…

  • Resist That Click Bait

    Every now and then my friends like to wind me up by sending me a provocative bit of right-wing propaganda. It’s like chumming the waters for fish – they just chuck it out there and then watch the fish rising to the bait. One of my golfing buddies sent me a document recently. And in…

  • The Changing Shape of Conservatism

    What is a conservative in Canada? There was a time when I would have answered that question in economic, financial terms, and I think many others might have agreed with that. Conservatives are wary of increasing the Federal debt, and insistent on prudently balancing the budget. My father used to inveigh against “spending our children’s…

  • Competition in a Non-Binary World

    I want to venture into the complicated issue of transgender athletes competing against cis-gender women and possibly some other related topics. But before I do that, I want to carve out a position so that the reader will not misunderstand where I’m coming from. First of all, I believe that we should all be tolerant…

  • The US Court System – Torpedoing Democracy

    This article draws freely and without permission from the writings of Heather Cox Richardson, a noted author and professor of History at Boston College. She is a passionate defender of democracy in the States and a vigorous opponent of the Extreme right-wing policies that are taking over America. I trust she’d be happy with my…

  • The Bar Stool Economics Parable

    Recently the following little parable came to me in email that was distributed to our golf group. It was described as “humorous and worth the read.” Another member of the golf group suggested that I take a crack at looking at the meaning and accuracy of the parable entitled Bar Stool Economics. So I did.…

  • Are Canadian Think Tanks Trustworthy?

    The Fraser Institute A family member recently told me that if I want to have her read my articles, I’d have to make them shorter. That was good feedback. I’ve been targeting 2000 to 3000 words for my essays, and based on the feedback received, I’ll see if I can cut it down a bit.…

  • The Dark Money Conspiracy

    Leading into the US mid-term elections, I wrote an article about the incredible spending levels associated with elections on the United States. I recall finding some spending estimates and doing a little math which showed that political parties and outside interests were going to spend approximately $8000 US per vote cast in the election. If…

  • Why Seemingly Intelligent People Believe Stupid Stuff

    I am often bemused by the prevalence of conspiracy theories. There are so many of them out there. QAnon, the Illuminati, the Jews, the Masons, aliens, the US government, the UN, the oil industry, the automobile industry, climate change deniers, climate change alarmists…the lists go on and on. The number of groups secretly conspiring against…