Category: Climate change

  • Insanity Trumps Climate Science

    Donald Trump started off his second term as US president on January 20th in his normal bombastic, moronic, self-aggrandizing, and narcissistic way. I was going to use the word style, but decided not to because we should never associate the word style with the Donald. I substituted manner, but decided that he didn’t have manners…

  • Energy, AI, Climate Change, and Crime

    I know. You looked at that title and said “Well! It will be interesting to see how he ties all that together.” I’m sorry to disappoint. It didn’t really tie together very well. It’s turned out to be something more of a rambling chain-of-thought exercise. It all started when my friend Malcolm approached me in…

  • My Unbroken Canada

    (Cartoon by Graeme MacKay in The Hamilton Spectator) I find it hard to watch Canadian television these days because at some point the program Pierre Poilievre shows up, telling us that “Canada is broken”. I don’t think we really need an election right now, but honestly, I might welcome one if only because it will…

  • Getting Trucking on the Right Track

    In early August, I drove down to Cape Breton and then to my birthplace, beautiful PEI. It was a really good drive. I was really pleased with how well the traffic flowed, generally. I went through some construction zones, it being construction season (the only other season in Canada being dead of winter), but even…

  • Are Exported Emissions Really So Bad?

    On June 20th, CBC News featured a story on what they called Canada’s exported emissions. The gist of the story is captured nicely in the first sentence of their story – “While Canada claims to be a climate leader, the oil and gas we export to other countries have the potential to produce more emissions…

  • Stop this Carbon Tax BS Already!

    It is March 31st today as I start writing this. I still have a lot of reading to do before I finish it. I fearlessly predict that before I finish this, April 1st will have come and gone and we will all have survived the increase in the carbon tax which will add 3 or 4 cents…

  • Organic Foods and Other Nonsense

    My brother Terry, who evidently likes to wind me up from time to time, sent me an email recently in which he said “At my weekly Monday golf game, 2 of the guys were talking about how all of our food is contaminated by agricultural chemicals, and none of it is safe to eat!  One…

  • Surviving on a Hostile Planet

    I watched a bit of the CBC news today. This is the 14th day after Hurricane Fiona (piss on that “post-tropical storm” designation) ripped into the Maritime provinces, dropping trees, destroying electrical power systems, ripping out roads and bridges, and dramatically altering the natural environment. Approximately 15% of the Maritime Electric customers on PEI are still…